Cranial Osteopathy

The Cranial Osteopathic approach uses very gentle techniques in which the Osteopath’s highly trained sense of touch is used to identify and correct disturbances and limitations of tissue mobility, not only in and around the joints of the skull, but throughout the body. It can help a wide range of patients, of any age.

“Osteopathy is concerned with the arrangements of the parts of the body and their movements. The task of the osteopath is to understand what has gone wrong and why, and to use his or her hands to allow the organism to overcome its malfunction. Mechanical disorders have a profound effect on the functioning of all body systems, and are important not only in the case of spinal and limb pains.

In babies and children it is particularly important to pay attention to the body, not only for immediate help with distress and disease, but to encourage optimum health for a lifetime.

Osteopathic treatment is, by definition, manual. In young patients the methods used are nearly always very gentle, but nonetheless powerful, requiring special skill and knowledge.”

                                                                                            Osteopathic Centre for Children (

To understand in more detail how cranial osteopaths help babies, toddlers, older children and adults please click on the following link from the Sutherland Society which is the UK organisation for cranial osteopathy:


Pregnancy is a unique and powerful experience. Enormous physical, hormonal and emotional changes take place over a relatively short period of time. The body has to adapt to carrying up to 20lb of baby, waters and placenta, which can impose physical strain on all the organs and tissues.

Osteopathic treatment can help ease some of the physical discomforts during and after pregnancy.